CPSC 538B - Distributed Systems Abstractions - Winter 2021

For this seminar's project, we implemented a Distributed Graph Processing System (GPS) that used the "Think-Like-A-Vertex" (TLAV) Programming Model and Akka Actors. We recognized a natural correspondence between the TLAV graph processing model and the general actor model for distributed computation and decided Akka would be a solid foundation on which to build a simple but robust GPS, which we believed to be a novel contribution. We achieved the following goals:

  • Implement a graph processing system that can be deployed and run in a distributed environment with multiple machines (e.g. AWS EC2), using an actor system to coordinate and synchronize computational nodes;
  • Provide users with a simple, extensible API with which to “plug-in" their own graph algorithm implementations.
    • See figure above for an example of the distributed Graph Colouring algorithm implemented in Akka-GPS.
· github.com/atrostan/akka-gps
· Final Report

CPSC 521 - Information Visualization - Fall 2020

In the beginning of 2020, I participated in an industrial-academic partnership with Kinaxis and Carleton University. My research produced a graphical model of supply chain structures and a heuristic algorithm that detected underutilization in supply networks.
When I took CPSC 547, an Information Visualization graduate course, I extended this work into an interactive graph visualization tool that allows supply chain planners to visualize the structures of their networks, and helps them identify underutilization and anomalies.
· Final Report
· Final Presentation

CANSSI National Case Study Competition 2019

In November 2019, the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute hosted its National Case Study Competition. The competition involved a statistical prediction task: given traffic and weather patterns around Metro Vancouver, teams were tasked with the prediction of a probability of delay for BC Ferries sailings.
Our team of Carleton University students developed an ensemble that placed 2nd in the national competition. In the finals, we presented our methodology and derived feature importances to members of the BC Ferries executive team.
· Poster